Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) technology
Our clinic also offers Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) technology, which selectively targets specific structures such as melanin (in hair and brown spots), hemoglobin (in rosacea redness and superficial blood vessels), and collagen (for sagging and wrinkles). This non-invasive treatment option allows us to address various skin conditions without harming healthy skin.
Indications for IPL treatments include:
Photorejuvenation (face, décolleté, and back of hands)
Removal of pigmented lesions (lentigines, freckles, and dyschromias)
Treatment of erythematous rosacea
Removal of angiomas, telangiectasias, and vascular spiders
Acne treatment
The IPL procedure is quick, painless, and does not require any recovery time, allowing patients to resume their daily activities immediately. However, it is not recommended for individuals with darker or tanned skin. Following treatment, it is crucial to apply adequate sun protection.
Depending on the nature of the lesions being treated, 1-5 monthly sessions may be required. IPL treatments can be combined with other rejuvenation techniques, such as non-ablative fractional laser, botulinum toxin, or hyaluronic acid fillers, to enhance overall cosmetic results.